RM20M Working Capital Raised for a Malaysian Polymer Pipe Manufacturer

When the founder of the manufacturing company contacted us, they were looking for networking opportunities and facilitating support to raise enough working capital in a 6 months timeline. They had an exceptional business model in place and a market which was ready for their products. All they needed was an outstanding fundraising campaign that would hit the bull’s eye. This is where we stepped in!
Actions Taken
Our first step was to understand the market requirements, their business model, target customers and competitive edge. Once we had the required data in place, we prepared a financial forecast and conducted a due diligence review to address and remediate any issues that could lead to potential problems later.
Once ready, we began the investor outreach programs and emails were sent to potential funders from the list and connections we built earlier. We also introduced potential financiers to the company, which included SME bank, MIDF, CGC and other government-linked financial institutions.
The entire activity was to not just help them get funded but also help them build a reliable network of potential investors and funders for future funding needs.
The Result
After we crafted the perfect investment case for the manufacturing company, we commenced the outreach campaign. In 2 weeks, our emails were filled with reverts for scheduling calls and meetups with the founder. Once we reached the stage where the discussion between the financier and the company started, it took somewhere around 5 months to get the RM20 million capital. They are using the fund to expand the product line and enter into new markets across the globe.